Monday, June 13, 2011

Gonna Take a Sentimental Journey...with Cubs!

“Come one, come all!” says the invitation to the great, annual Piper Fly-In that’s coming up next week.
Dubbed SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY 2011, it's the 26th anniversary of this “Family-Oriented” event.
 It's held at – where else? – William T. Piper Airport (KLHV) in Lock Haven, PA.
The dates for those of you who are, like myself, Cub afflicted, is June 22 - 25, 2011.  You can fly in (an airspace How-To is on the organizer’s website), drive in, camp under a wing for $15/nite if you like (lots of folks do) or stay at one of several hotels, motels or B&Bs in the area.  Dozens of Cubs alone, along with other models, make the trek every year.

The Piper Museum and Memorial area also there: that's worth a trip for cub lovers all by itself.
There are events and contests such as seminars, flea markets, bomb drop, spot landing, corn roasts, awards, nightly bands, tours and more.
This year’s theme: “Vagabonds Saved Piper"
Featured planes will be the PA-15 Vagabond and PA-17 Vagabond Trainer.
PA-17 Vagabond Trainer   Photo courtesy UK Airshow Review
Tickets are cheap enough at $8, $4 for kids 13 - 17 and under 12 youngsters are free – hard to beat that these days for a classic aircraft lovefest.
Another note: All makes and models of aircraft are welcomed.  Since most current pilots have some connection to those early Pipers anyway, no reason not to come if you're in the neighborhood.
I’ll be there catching some air and lots of photos for some stories.
Also hoping for good weather for all flying in...I’m still recovering from the 6 days it took in a Cub-type to get from Iowa to Florida against bad weather for Sun ‘ Fun!

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